Is It Cheaper To Live In TX Or OK?

When considering a relocation, the cost of living is a vital factor to examine. This begs the question: “Is it cheaper to live in Texas or Oklahoma?” Discovering the answer entails a thorough evaluation of various expenses such as housing, transportation, and overall affordability. By delving into key indicators and analyzing key data, this article will provide a comprehensive comparison between the two states, enabling you to make an informed decision about where to establish your new home.

Is It Cheaper To Live In TX Or OK?

Cost of Housing


When it comes to renting a home, the cost can vary significantly between Texas and Oklahoma. In general, Texas tends to have higher rental prices compared to Oklahoma. This is largely due to the strong housing market and robust economy in cities such as Austin, Houston, and Dallas. As a result, if you are looking to rent in these areas, you can expect to pay higher monthly rent compared to similar properties in Oklahoma. However, Oklahoma does offer more affordable rental options, particularly in smaller cities and rural areas. It is important to take into consideration your specific location preferences and budget when deciding between Texas and Oklahoma for renting.

Buying a Home

When considering the cost of buying a home, there are several factors to take into account. Both Texas and Oklahoma offer a wide range of housing options, from urban apartments to suburban houses and rural properties. In general, Texas has a higher median home price compared to Oklahoma. This is largely driven by the strong demand for housing in major metropolitan areas of Texas. However, it is important to note that the cost of housing can vary significantly within each state. For example, rural areas in Texas may have more affordable housing options compared to certain neighborhoods in Oklahoma City or Tulsa. It is crucial to thoroughly research the local housing market and consider factors such as property taxes and homeownership costs when deciding on buying a home in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Cost of Utilities


The cost of electricity can vary depending on your location and the provider in both Texas and Oklahoma. In general, Texas has a deregulated electricity market, which means consumers have the ability to choose their electricity provider. This can lead to increased competition and potentially lower electricity rates. Oklahoma, on the other hand, has a regulated electricity market, which means prices are set by the state’s public utility commission. While this can provide more stability in pricing, it may not offer the same level of choice and flexibility as in Texas. It is important to compare electricity providers and plans in your specific area to determine which state offers more favorable rates for your individual needs.

Water and Sewer

The cost of water and sewer services can vary between Texas and Oklahoma, depending on the local utility rates. Generally, larger cities in Texas may have higher water and sewer rates compared to smaller towns in Oklahoma. This is due to various factors such as population density, infrastructure costs, and regional water scarcity. It is crucial to consider the specific municipality or county you are planning to reside in when comparing the cost of water and sewer services between Texas and Oklahoma. Additionally, it is advisable to practice water conservation and explore any available rebates or incentives to help lower your overall water and sewer costs.


The cost of natural gas for heating, cooking, and other household needs can also differ between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states have a diverse energy industry, but Texas is known for its abundant natural gas reserves. As a result, Texas residents may benefit from lower natural gas prices compared to Oklahoma residents. However, it is important to note that natural gas rates can fluctuate due to market conditions and other factors. Regardless of the state you choose to live in, it is advisable to compare prices from different gas providers and consider energy-efficient appliances and insulation to help reduce your overall gas consumption and expenses.

Cost of Transportation

Gasoline Prices

Gasoline prices are a significant consideration for many individuals, especially those who commute long distances or rely heavily on their vehicles. Texas has a reputation for having relatively low gasoline prices compared to the national average. The state is home to numerous oil refineries and benefits from its proximity to major oil-producing regions. Oklahoma, while also having a significant oil industry, may have slightly higher gasoline prices compared to Texas. However, it is worth noting that gasoline prices can fluctuate due to factors such as supply and demand, crude oil prices, and state taxes. It is advisable to monitor gas prices in your specific area and consider factors such as your daily commute and access to public transportation when assessing the overall cost of transportation between Texas and Oklahoma.

Public Transportation

Public transportation options vary between Texas and Oklahoma, with larger cities typically offering more extensive and convenient systems. In Texas, cities like Houston and Dallas have well-developed public transportation networks, including buses, light rail, and commuter trains. These options provide residents with an alternative to driving and can help reduce transportation expenses. Oklahoma, while also offering public transportation services in certain areas, may have a more limited network compared to major Texas cities. It is important to research the availability and cost of public transportation in your desired location, as this can significantly impact your overall transportation budget.

Is It Cheaper To Live In TX Or OK?

Cost of Groceries

Supermarket Prices

The cost of groceries can greatly impact your monthly expenses, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. While the overall prices may vary depending on your specific location within each state, Texas generally has a reputation for slightly higher grocery costs compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including transportation costs for food distribution, population density, and regional agricultural production. It is advisable to compare prices at different supermarkets and consider factors such as sales or discounts when budgeting for groceries in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Farmers Markets

If you prefer fresh produce and locally sourced food, farmers markets can be a great option. Both Texas and Oklahoma have vibrant farmers market scenes, offering a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and other homemade products. Prices at farmers markets can vary depending on the season, availability of certain products, and the specific location. It is advisable to explore farmers markets in your area and compare prices to traditional supermarkets, as you may find more affordable options for high-quality, locally grown food.

Cost of Healthcare

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a vital aspect of managing healthcare costs, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. The cost of health insurance can vary significantly based on factors such as age, marital status, pre-existing conditions, and the specific plan chosen. In general, health insurance premiums tend to be higher in Texas compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including differences in state regulations, competition among insurance providers, and the overall healthcare market. It is crucial to thoroughly research health insurance options in your desired location and consider factors such as network coverage, deductibles, and co-pays when assessing the overall cost of healthcare in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Medical Services

The cost of medical services, such as doctor visits, specialist consultations, and hospital care, can also impact your overall healthcare expenses. While the cost of medical services can vary greatly depending on your specific situation and insurance coverage, it is worth noting that certain areas in Texas, particularly those with higher population densities, may have higher medical costs compared to areas in Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as increased demand for healthcare services, higher overhead expenses, and the concentration of specialized medical facilities. It is important to consider your specific healthcare needs, research medical service providers in your desired location, and work closely with your insurance provider to get a better understanding of potential costs associated with medical services in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Cost of Education

Public Schools

Education is a significant expense for families, and understanding the cost of education is crucial when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states offer public school systems funded through local property taxes and state budgets. While specific costs can vary between school districts, Texas generally has a higher per-student spending compared to Oklahoma. This can result in slightly higher property taxes in certain areas of Texas. However, it is important to note that public school quality and resources can also vary within each state. It is advisable to research the specific school districts you are considering and consider factors such as academic performance, extracurricular activities, and available resources before making decisions based solely on cost.

Private Schools

Private schools are an alternative to public education and often offer additional resources and specialized curricula. However, private school tuition can significantly impact your overall education expenses. Both Texas and Oklahoma have a range of private schools with varying tuition costs. In general, larger metropolitan areas in both states may have higher tuition fees compared to rural or suburban areas. It is crucial to research and compare tuition costs, financial aid options, and the academic reputation of private schools in your desired location to determine the best fit for your family and budget.

Higher Education

The cost of higher education is a significant consideration for individuals pursuing college or university degrees. Both Texas and Oklahoma have a variety of higher education institutions, including public universities, private colleges, and community colleges. In general, tuition costs for in-state students tend to be lower compared to out-of-state or international students. It is worth noting that Texas has several large universities, such as the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University, which may have higher tuition fees compared to some Oklahoma universities. However, it is important to consider factors such as financial aid, scholarships, and specialized programs when assessing the overall cost of higher education between Texas and Oklahoma.

Cost of Taxes

Income Tax

The cost of income tax can significantly impact your overall expenses, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Texas is one of the few states that does not impose a state income tax. This can result in potential savings for individuals and families earning income in Texas. On the other hand, Oklahoma does have a state income tax, which is calculated based on a progressive tax rate. It is important to consider your specific income level and tax obligations when comparing the overall cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or use tax calculators to determine the potential income tax implications in each state.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is another important consideration when assessing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states have sales taxes, but the rates can differ. In general, Texas has a higher sales tax rate compared to Oklahoma. This can impact the cost of consumer goods and services, as the sales tax is typically added at the point of sale. It is important to consider your spending habits and potential sales tax exemptions when comparing the overall cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. It is also worth noting that certain municipalities within each state may have additional local sales taxes, which can further impact the total sales tax rate.

Property Tax

Property tax is a significant expense for homeowners, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states have property taxes, but the rates and regulations can vary. In general, Texas has a reputation for higher property tax rates compared to Oklahoma. This is largely due to the absence of a state income tax in Texas, resulting in a heavier reliance on property taxes for local funding. It is advisable to research property tax rates and exemptions in your desired location, as well as consider factors such as property values and local tax policies when assessing the overall cost of homeownership between Texas and Oklahoma.

Cost of Entertainment


The cost of dining out can impact your overall entertainment budget, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states offer a wide range of dining options, from affordable local eateries to high-end restaurants. While specific prices can vary depending on the location and type of restaurant, Texas generally has a reputation for slightly higher restaurant prices compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as higher rent costs for restaurants, increased demand in major metropolitan areas, and regional culinary trends. It is advisable to explore different dining options, check online reviews, and consider factors such as portion sizes and discounts when budgeting for restaurant expenses in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Movie Theaters

The cost of watching movies in theaters can vary between Texas and Oklahoma, depending on factors such as ticket prices, concessions, and theater amenities. While both states have a variety of movie theaters, larger metropolitan areas in Texas may have higher ticket prices compared to certain locations in Oklahoma. It is important to consider your frequency of movie-going and potential discounts, such as matinee showings or loyalty programs, when assessing the overall cost of entertainment expenses in either Texas or Oklahoma. Additionally, it is worth considering the availability of alternative entertainment options, such as streaming services or outdoor events, which may offer more affordable options for movie enthusiasts.

Recreation Activities

Engaging in recreational activities can provide entertainment and relaxation, but it is important to consider the associated costs. Both Texas and Oklahoma offer a wide range of recreational opportunities, such as parks, museums, sports facilities, and outdoor activities. While specific costs can vary depending on the activity and location, Texas generally has a reputation for slightly higher recreation costs compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as increased demand, higher maintenance expenses for popular attractions, and regional market trends. It is advisable to research available recreational options in your desired location and consider factors such as membership fees, season passes, and potential discounts to help manage your overall entertainment expenses.

Cost of Childcare

Daycare Centers

Childcare costs can significantly impact families with young children, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states have licensed daycare centers offering various childcare services. While specific costs can vary depending on factors such as location, age of the child, and specific daycare provider, it is worth noting that Texas generally has slightly higher daycare costs compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as higher demand, increased population density in certain areas, and regional wages for childcare professionals. It is advisable to research and compare daycare centers in your desired location, consider factors such as quality of care, staffing ratios, and available subsidies or financial assistance when assessing childcare costs between Texas and Oklahoma.

Nanny or Au Pair

Hiring a nanny or au pair can be an alternative to daycare centers and can offer more personalized care for your child. The cost of hiring a nanny or au pair can vary significantly depending on factors such as the location, experience, and specific requirements. In general, Texas may have slightly higher costs for hiring a nanny or au pair compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as increased demand in major metropolitan areas, higher wages, and cost of living expenses. It is important to thoroughly research the costs and responsibilities associated with hiring a nanny or au pair, consider factors such as legal requirements, taxes, and background checks, and explore potential financial assistance programs or tax credits that may help offset some of the expenses.

Cost of Miscellaneous Expenses

Clothing and Personal Care

The cost of clothing and personal care items can impact your overall budget, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states offer a wide range of retail options, from budget-friendly stores to high-end boutiques. While specific prices can vary depending on factors such as location, brand, and style, it is worth noting that Texas generally has a reputation for slightly higher clothing and personal care costs compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as increased demand, higher rent costs for retail spaces, and regional fashion trends. It is advisable to compare prices at different stores, consider factors such as quality and durability of items, and explore potential discounts or online shopping options to help manage your overall expenses for clothing and personal care in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Home Maintenance

Maintaining a home can come with various costs, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states have different climates and potential home maintenance needs. For example, Texas is known for its hot and humid summers, which may require higher energy costs for air conditioning and potentially more frequent maintenance for cooling systems. On the other hand, Oklahoma may experience severe weather conditions, such as tornadoes or ice storms, which may result in potential home repairs or higher insurance premiums. It is advisable to consider your specific location, research common home maintenance costs, and explore various energy-efficient options or insurance coverages to help manage your overall expenses for home maintenance in either Texas or Oklahoma.

Internet and TV Services

Internet and TV services have become essential for many households, and it is important to consider this when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma. Both states offer a wide variety of providers and packages, catering to different needs and budgets. While specific prices can vary depending on factors such as speed, availability, and bundled services, it is worth noting that Texas generally has slightly higher costs for internet and TV services compared to Oklahoma. This can be attributed to factors such as increased competition, higher infrastructure costs in urban areas, and regional market trends. It is advisable to research available providers in your desired location, compare prices and package options, and assess your specific internet and TV consumption to help manage your overall expenses for these services in either Texas or Oklahoma.

In conclusion, when comparing the cost of living between Texas and Oklahoma, it is important to consider a variety of factors across different categories. Each state has its own unique economic landscape, housing market, and regional variations that can impact the overall cost of living. By thoroughly researching and comparing expenses related to housing, utilities, transportation, groceries, healthcare, education, taxes, entertainment, childcare, and miscellaneous expenses, you can make an informed decision based on your individual circumstances, preferences, and budgetary considerations. Remember to take into account your specific location within each state, as there can be significant variations in costs and lifestyle depending on whether you choose a larger city, rural area, or suburban community.



