Why Is Texas Taking Over The Schools?

In recent years, an increasing number of schools across the country have found themselves under the influence of an unlikely force: Texas. This southern state, known for its distinctive culture and independent spirit, has been quietly shaping the curriculum and policies of schools far beyond its borders. From textbooks to standardized testing, Texas has become a powerful player in the education sector. So, what is driving this phenomenon? How has Texas managed to assert its influence on schools across the nation? In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Texas’ growing presence in the educational landscape and examine the implications it holds for the future of education in America.

Why Is Texas Taking Over The Schools?

The Influence of Texas Education Policy

Overview of Texas’ Education Policy

Texas has a significant influence on education policy, not just within its borders but also on a national scale. With its size and population, Texas has the ability to shape discussions and policies in the education sector. Understanding the various aspects of Texas’ education policy is essential for comprehending its impact.

The Texas Education Agency

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) plays a crucial role in shaping education policy across the state. As the administrative unit responsible for overseeing public education in Texas, the TEA has the authority to develop rules and regulations that govern educational practices. It is responsible for implementing state and federal laws related to education, managing funding, and providing support and guidance to school districts.

The Role of State Board of Education

The State Board of Education (SBOE) is another key player in Texas’ education policy. The SBOE consists of 15 elected members who are responsible for setting curriculum standards, adopting instructional materials, and establishing graduation requirements. Their decisions have a direct impact on what is taught in Texas classrooms and can influence educational trends nationwide.

The Impact on School Curriculum

Texas’ education policy has a significant influence on the school curriculum, shaping what students learn and how they learn it. The SBOE’s decisions on curriculum standards determine the content covered in subjects such as language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. The state’s emphasis on a particular curriculum can have a ripple effect, impacting textbooks and instructional materials used not only in Texas but also in other states that rely on Texas’ curriculum.

Texas’ Emphasis on Standardized Testing

Texas places a significant emphasis on standardized testing, which has had a profound impact on its education policy. The state administers the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exams to assess student learning and measure school performance. These exams heavily influence teacher evaluations, school ratings, and funding allocations. This emphasis on standardized testing has led to debates and concerns about the impact on teaching and learning, as well as the narrowing of curricula to focus on test preparation.

Political Influence in Education

The Role of Political Power in Education

Political power plays a crucial role in shaping education policies, and Texas is no exception. The decisions made by policymakers have the potential to significantly impact education outcomes, as well as the overall direction and focus of the educational system. The involvement of politics in education can lead to ideological debates, varying priorities, and differing approaches to reform.

Texas’ Conservative Ideology and Education

Texas’ conservative ideology has had a profound influence on education policy in the state. The political landscape in Texas has long been characterized by conservative values and principles, which often shape the priorities and direction of educational reform efforts. This ideology has led to a focus on issues such as accountability, discipline, and conservative social values in the education system.

The Influence of Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups also play a role in shaping education policy in Texas. These groups, representing various stakeholders such as teachers’ unions, business interests, and advocacy organizations, seek to influence policymakers and advance their particular agendas. The power and influence of these groups can shape the direction of education policy and influence decisions made by policymakers.

The Debate over School Privatization

School privatization is a highly debated topic in Texas and has significant implications for education policy. Advocates argue that privatization, through mechanisms such as charter schools and voucher programs, can increase choice and competition, leading to improved educational outcomes. Critics, on the other hand, contend that privatization can exacerbate inequality, divert funding from public schools, and lack sufficient accountability measures.

Criticism and Support for Texas’ Education Policies

Critics’ Concerns about Texas’ Education Takeover

Texas’ education policies have faced criticism from various quarters. Critics argue that the state’s emphasis on high-stakes testing and a narrow curriculum limits students’ educational experiences and stifles creativity. Concerns have also been raised about the level of influence of politics and special interest groups in shaping education policy, which some argue undermines the autonomy of educators and school districts.

The Battle over Evolution in Science Curriculum

Texas’ approach to the teaching of evolution in science curriculum has been a source of controversy. The state’s science standards, revised by the SBOE, have faced criticism for emphasizing certain viewpoints and deemphasizing aspects of scientific consensus. This controversy highlights the intersection of ideology, politics, and education, with implications for how scientific concepts are taught.

The Controversy Surrounding Sex Education

Sex education policies in Texas have generated significant controversy. The state has historically followed an abstinence-only approach to sex education, with limited emphasis on comprehensive information about sexual health. This approach has faced criticism for its potential to inadequately prepare students and contribute to higher rates of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

Support for Texas’ Approach to Education Reform

Despite criticism, Texas’ education policies have garnered support from certain quarters. Advocates argue that the focus on accountability and high standards has helped improve educational outcomes. They contend that the emphasis on standardized testing provides valuable data for identifying areas of improvement and ensuring accountability in the education system.

The Effects on Students and Teachers

The Impact on Student Achievement

The effects of Texas’ education policies on student achievement are a central concern. Proponents argue that the focus on standards, accountability, and rigorous assessments has driven improvements in student learning outcomes. However, critics contend that the narrow curriculum and heavy reliance on standardized testing may limit students’ exposure to a well-rounded education and impede their ability to think critically and creatively.

The Pressure on Teachers and Educators

Teachers and educators face significant pressure under Texas’ education policies. The focus on standardized testing places an immense burden on teachers to prepare their students for these exams. The emphasis on accountability and performance can create a high-stress environment, potentially affecting teacher morale and job satisfaction. Additionally, the influence of politics and special interest groups may restrict the autonomy of teachers in designing curricula and implementing teaching methods.

The Effect on Teaching Methods and Creativity

Texas’ education policies and emphasis on standardized testing can impact teaching methods and creativity in the classroom. The pressure to “teach to the test” may limit teachers’ ability to employ innovative instructional techniques or explore topics outside the mandated curriculum. This narrowing of focus can hinder students’ exposure to diverse perspectives and diminish their opportunities for critical thinking and creativity.

The Struggle for Teacher Salaries and Benefits

Teachers in Texas face challenges related to their salaries and benefits. While there have been efforts to increase teacher pay, many educators contend that their salaries do not adequately reflect their qualifications and the demands of their profession. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the availability of retirement benefits and the state’s commitment to supporting teachers’ well-being and professional growth.

Why Is Texas Taking Over The Schools?

Texas’ Influence on National Education Trends

The Adoption of Texas Textbooks by Other States

Texas’ influence on education extends beyond its borders through the adoption of its textbooks by other states. Due to the large size of the Texas student population, book publishers often customize their textbooks to align with Texas’ curriculum standards. As a result, content decisions made by the SBOE can have far-reaching implications, shaping educational materials used nationwide.

The Ripple Effect on Standardized Testing Nationwide

Texas’ emphasis on standardized testing has influenced the broader national trend towards increased testing. The state’s experience with high-stakes exams, such as the STAAR exams, has been closely watched and emulated by other states seeking to implement accountability measures. This focus on testing has sparked debates about the consequences for teaching and learning, as well as the potential narrowing of curricula nationwide.

The Erosion of Critical Thinking Skills in Education

Critics argue that Texas’ education policies, with their emphasis on standardized testing and a narrow curriculum, may erode critical thinking skills among students. The pressure to achieve high test scores can lead to a focus on rote memorization and regurgitation of information, rather than the development of analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This erosion of critical thinking skills can have long-term implications for students’ ability to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

The Shift towards a More Conservative Curriculum

Texas’ conservative ideology has influenced the curriculum and educational materials used nationwide. The decisions made by the SBOE regarding the content taught in subjects such as history and social studies can result in a curriculum that reflects a conservative perspective. This shift towards a more conservative curriculum can shape students’ understanding of historical events, societal issues, and cultural diversity.

The Future of Texas’ Education Takeover

The Potential Long-Term Consequences

The long-term consequences of Texas’ education policies remain uncertain. While proponents argue that the focus on accountability and high standards can lead to improved outcomes, critics raise concerns about the potential narrowing of curricula and the erosion of critical thinking skills. The effects of Texas’ education policies on future generations of students will ultimately determine the success or failure of its approach.

The Pushback from Educators and Parents

Texas’ education policies have faced pushback from educators and parents who are concerned about the impact on teaching and learning. Teacher organizations and advocacy groups have advocated for reforms that prioritize student well-being, reduced reliance on high-stakes testing, and increased funding for public education. Parents, too, have voiced their concerns about the impact of standardized testing and the limited scope of the curriculum.

The Role of Education Activists in Texas

Education activists in Texas have played a crucial role in advocating for change and influencing education policy. These individuals and organizations strive to shape the conversation around education and push for reforms that align with their vision of quality education. Through grassroots mobilization, lobbying efforts, and public awareness campaigns, education activists drive discussions about the future of Texas’ education system.

Possible Strategies for Education Reform in Texas

To address the challenges and criticisms of its current education policies, Texas could consider several strategies for reform. These may include reducing the emphasis on high-stakes testing, promoting a more inclusive and diverse curriculum, increasing teacher salaries and support, fostering innovation in teaching methods, and engaging in meaningful dialogue with educators and parents. By implementing thoughtful and evidence-based reforms, Texas can work towards an education system that better serves its students and prepares them for the future.


Texas’ education policies have a far-reaching influence on the education landscape, both within the state and at a national level. The state’s focus on standardized testing, conservative ideology, and involvement of political power has shaped curriculum, impacted student achievement, and influenced educational trends nationwide. While there are supporters and critics of Texas’ education policies, the consequences for students, teachers, and the future of education remain subjects of ongoing debate. As Texas continues to navigate its education takeover, it is crucial to consider the voices of educators, parents, and education activists to ensure the development of a robust and equitable education system.


